You have to take your communities thoughts into consideration, I can't enforce this - but ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ listen to your people, they are the ones who pay you, stop acting like god and make a good server for once in your life. We'll never talk, trust me I dont like you either, we have nothing in common and i'm way cooler than you. You must add me to contributor on any map projects, even if you dont like me. The map must be playable in single player, stop doing this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ where you store the entity data server sided to keep people from using "your map", gmod is about everyone using mods in their own way, stop being a bltch about it. The map must be presentable with screenshots and a full release on the workshop. You can not lock the map away from others, the map must be public on the workshop and not inside of Whatever Content 42 / 69. You can edit this and use the assets on your maps if you follow some basic terms. Want to edit this map? It's simple - Don't be a dicc head! VENATOR Star Destroyer Star Wars (full scale) Minecraft Map VENATOR class star destroyer Republican Battleship Star Wars ep.3 Start Now 99,992 is done it will never be finished, cause im. You may not reupload these for any reason.

This map provides you with geonosis and a venator that will allow you to have quick - lag free events! This addon features over a well crafted map that suits the roleplay needs of a semi serious star wars server.