getField(apdu)        if(buffer = (byte) 0x02)           ISOException.throwIt(ISO7816.SW_INCORRECT_P1P2)

       if ((buffer != (byte) USER_ID) & (buffer != (byte) USER_TYPE) & (buffer != (byte) PASSWORD))           ISOException.throwIt(ISO7816.SW_DATA_INVALID)           ISOException.throwIt(ISO7816.SW_CLA_NOT_SUPPORTED)        if(buffer != (byte) 0x80)     public void process(APDU apdu) throws ISOException        me.register()        UserInformationApplet me = new UserInformationApplet(bArray, bOffset, (byte)bLength)     public static void install(byte bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) throws ISOException           ndBytesLong(password, (short) 0, (short) password.length)           ndBytesLong(userType, (short) 0, (short) userType.length)        else if(buffer = (byte) USER_TYPE)           ndBytesLong(userID, (short) 0, (short) userID.length)           short le = tOutgoing()        if(buffer = (byte) USER_ID)        byte buffer = apdu.getBuffer()     private void getField(APDU apdu)        register()     public UserInformationApplet(byte bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)     private final static short PASSWORD = 2     private final static short USER_TYPE = 1     private final static short USER_ID = 0 Public class UserInformationApplet extends Any help figuring this out is greatly appreciated. I throw the error in my process method, but can't understand where it would come from in the install or constructor. After looking at my code for the longest time, I can't figure out why this error would be thrown.

I looked this up and found out that it means SW_INCORRECT_P1P2. The package loads cleanly, but when I try to install the applet it blows up and returns an OP.error.E6.6A86. Having a little problem installing my applet.